Commercial floriculture in Brazil:
a market on the rise
The Brazilian flower market
Brazilian commercial floriculture has become a very interesting market, given its constant annual growth. From 2020 to 2021, the flower market grew 15%, reaching a turnover of R$10.9 billion. The apexes of flower sales occur in the months of July and December, and among the sectors with the highest turnover can be mentioned: decoration representing 30% (R$ 3.2 billion); self-service relative to 21% (R$ 2.2 billion); and Landscaping with 20% (R$ 2.1 billion).
Brazil has about 8,000 producers in this sector, who cultivate more than 2,500 species, employing 209,000 people directly (CNA, 2022). The Southeast region is dominant in this market, producing 50% of the plants and consuming 80%, with São Paulo being the state that contributes most to these data.
Imports and Exports
In the first half of 2022, Brazil exported USD 7.1 million in floriculture products. The Netherlands accounted for 38.43% of this revenue, followed by the United States with 16.14% of total exports and Italy with 12.51%. The country exports seedlings and bulbs, having stopped sending flowers abroad about 10 years ago, due to high costs, unfavorable exchange rate and, mainly, the heated domestic market.
In addition, with the variation in the value of the real, the import of seedlings, bulbs and seeds - basic materials for production - had a price increase, directly impacting producers (Ibraflor, 2022). The main countries that export to Brazil are the Netherlands, with 44% (US$ 20.4 million), Colombia and Thailand, both with 13%, Chile with 12% and Ecuador with 9%.
Thus, the production chain of flowers and ornamental plants is focused on supplying the domestic market, with some exports and a much more relevant value in imports, since the products also demand technologies of origin in the foreign market, evidencing the strength of the domestic market, which with its growth, becomes attractive to producers and investors.
By: Marina Rosseto in 06/27/2023