Native to the Amazon rainforest, Castanha do Pará is mentioned and exalted from religious, naturalistic and descriptive writings of the first Portuguese to arrive in Brazil. Such attention is not without reason, the Brazil nut tree is one of the largest in the Amazon, reaching 30 to 45 meters in height.
On the rise in the international market
However, the interest in it was not limited to 1500. Currently, the internationally known as "Brazil Nut" has as its main importer Bolivia, with almost 50% of consumption in the export market, in addition to the high demand in the United States and Europe, especially during festive seasons, according to USP surveys.
Popular for its diverse functions
Best known for its cuisine, such as sweet farofa, cookies, cakes and granola, Castanha do Pará also serves several other fields. As an example of health, including its antioxidant benefits that help prevent Parkinson's, for the proper functioning of the Thyroid and increased immunity; not to mention the cosmetics and self-care business. Its popular moisturizing function makes, together with other beauty products "made in Brazil", a significant part of the annual turnover of 100 million reais for the Health & Personal Care group, specialized in the production of oils and extracts based on fruits and seeds . The company director says: "The exotic label adds more and more value in the foreign market", especially when considering that of the thousands of customers, about 60% are outside the country.
Innovations in market strategies
Interest from abroad has a quick response from within the Brazilian territory. According to the Globo Rural article, there is a Strategic Plan by Emater, Embrapa and Fundação Jari to plant 2,000 hectares of Brazil nut trees in 3 years from 2020: “The partners are structuring a process of technological innovations and market strategies that it encompasses the production, distribution, processing and sale of Brazil nuts, one of the country's main non-wood forest products for export”. Along with this, in addition to the great export potential, it also has profitability, since, according to the director of Embrapa, Walter Paixão, 5 tonnes of Brazil nuts are worth, on average, 30 million reais.
The main Brazilian producing states in 2019 are: Amazonas in first place, which produced 12.1 tons, which is equivalent to 37% of the country's production, followed by Acre, producing 7.2 tons, and Pará with 6, 9 tons, data from Vegetal Extraction and Forestry Production (PEVS). As a result, Brazil is the world's second largest producer of Brazil nuts, equivalent to 40% of the supply to the international market.
Importance of an international consultancy
Despite some declines in the market due to the Pandemic, at the beginning of 2021 Brazil Nut is already identified as a product on the rise in terms of supply and purchase. Amidst so many destinations of strong interest in Brazil nuts, it is more than necessary to study a study produced by an International Consultancy, which can guide in a more precise and objective way for the businessman to have the greatest success with his export.
By Maria Augusta Prado on 02/04/2021