Seafood: A constant and promising market
According to the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), aquaculture is the name given to the science that studies techniques for cultivating fish, crustaceans, molluscs, algae and other organisms that live in aquatic environments. More and more countries have invested in this market, generating constant growth in imports of this product around the world, mainly driven by the search for healthier and more nutritious food.
Growth in seafood imports
Studies carried out by the FIEC International Business Center found that Ceará was the Brazilian state that stood out most in terms of seafood exports in the first two months of 2019, totaling US$ 9.92 million in foreign sales, a growth of 170 .5% compared to 2018. Above all, lobsters and other fish such as snapper, tilapia and mackerel are the most traded on the international market.
According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), "over the last 50 years the consumption of fish from the sea has more than doubled" and the consumption is expected to be, on average, 29.1 kg /hab./year in 2030.
Increase in aquaculture production
The biggest importers of these foods are, respectively, the United States of America, China and Hong Kong, and it is possible to notice a continuous increase in the number of these imports in the period between 2017 and 2019. In the US, for example, the growth was 41%, in China, imports between 2017 and 2019 rose by around 311% and in Hong Kong 64%.
The importance of the performance of an international consultancy
In addition, according to a FAO report, it is estimated that there will be a 104% growth in Brazilian aquaculture production, favoring the country to become one of the main exporters of this protein and, given that, it is undeniable that a study A well-produced market on the possible destinations of these exports could bring a better direction and orientation to the company, in order to achieve a strategic and effective internationalization process.
By Julia Marin on 06/05/2020