For many people the jaboticaba or jabuticaba is linked to the affective memory of childhood. That majestic tree in the backyard, with a trunk full of succulent black balls, brightened everyone's afternoons. However, the familiar jabuticaba is breaking boundaries and becoming a potential product for several sectors abroad.
Easily adaptable plantations in Brazil
It is a fruit from Brazil, native to the Atlantic Forest, easily adaptable to both tropical and humid subtropical climates, found in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Goiás, among others. The harvest time is between the months of August to September and from January to February. Despite the short period, withdrawals are plentiful. In fact, according to data from the Institute of Agricultural Economics (IEA) prepared between 2014 and 2018, the production of jabuticaba alone in São Paulo averaged 2,646.8 tons per year.
multiple uses
Jabuticaba serves different functions: gastronomic, such as the famous “Jabuticabada” (typical juice from Minas Gerais), jams, liqueurs and vinegars; in aesthetic products, ie soaps, scrubs, perfumes, cologne oils; and the newest discovery disclosed by a research by the University of Goiás (UFG) published in 2019, its medicinal utility, in which the antioxidant function present in the fruit neutralizes the poor performance of cells and helps regulate blood pressure, in addition to a compound present in the shell that protects brain structures linked to memory storage and Alzheimer's prevention.
Exclusively Brazilian fruit
Given the knowledge of its capabilities, considering the Brazilian exclusivity of the product and the possibility of being cultivated from small backyards to large hectares, the progressive investment in Jabuticaba plantations is a good response to the growing foreign interest in the fruit. According to Globo rural, an area of 30 thousand square meters and R$ 89 million in investment, is exclusive to the export of Jabuticaba trees to China. The interviewee also says that if the trees become fertile in Asia, the expectation is to export 2,000 trees in 10 years.
On the other hand, the possibilities for trade in Jabuticabas are not limited to large exporters. In fact, the famous Festival of Jabuticaba de Sabará, which aims to promote small local farmers and various artisanal products of the fruit, received 130,000 people in 2018, reported by the G1. The event exerts such influence that the INPI (National Institute Industrial Production) granted the event the Geographical Indication, regulating these products as a naturally Brazilian manifestation.
Importance of an international consultancy
Regardless, being small, medium or large companies; it is necessary an aid in directing investments in the market. This situation can be done through our services such as Market Identification, where we analyze 5 countries with the potential to import the product and, after determining the destination of exports, the Market Analysis, with a more in-depth search of the chosen location. In this way, even a part of a legitimately Brazilian childhood can be welcomed in another country.
By Maria Augusta Prado on 10/16/2020