Cassava, cassava, cassava: cassava cultivation in the international market
Cultivated throughout Brazil and considered a subsistence food, cassava, also known as cassava or cassava, can be Both its root, its leaf and starch (starch) are used, giving rise to the production of tapioca, beiju, carimã, tucupi, among other food products. Despite being considered one of the most consumed foods in the world, cassava is used not only for food or in the food industry, but also has an importance in the chemical, textile, paper and cardboard and refrigerator industries, so that its ability to adapt to different soils and climates has intensified its production in the world.
According to a survey carried out by the Department of Rural Economy (DERAL), the main world producer of cassava is Nigeria, a country whose production is mainly aimed at the domestic market and which, in 2018, reached a production of more than 59 million tons (FAOSTAT, 2020). Thailand is the second largest producer, with a production of 31 million tons of cassava in 2018 (FAOSTAT, 2020) mainly focused on industrialization and the international market, so that the country is also the main exporter of cassava, and has as main destinations the United States and China.
Brazilian trade balance surplus
In Brazil, data collected by the National Supply Company (CONAB) point to an increase in cassava production between 2019 and 2020, reaching a production of 18.9 million tons in 2020. An analysis also carried out by CONAB indicates that Brazilian exports Cassava root had the second best result of the year in November 2020 in the trade balance, reaching a surplus of 37,000 dollars. Also in November 2020, the trade balance for cassava starch showed the best result in recent years, with a balance of 1,411,685 dollars.
United States as the biggest buyer of Brazilian cassava
According to ETENE (Technical Office of Economic Studies of the Northeast), the decrease in domestic consumption of cassava starch favored Brazilian exports, so that the Brazilian states that most exported cassava starch in 2018 were Paraná, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. The main buyers of Brazilian cassava starch in January 2021 were the United States (US$290,173), South Africa (US$84,000) and Venezuela (US$55,625) (CONAB, 2021). The main buyers of Brazilian cassava root in the same month were the United States (US$ 16,917), Canada (US$ 768) and the United Arab Emirates (US$ 585) (CONAB, 2021).
Importance of an international consultancy
With cassava growing more and more establishing its importance and impact on the international market and amid advances in Brazilian agriculture, the great potential for exporting cassava offers an opportunity for Brazilian producers to expand their business and enter the international market. An analysis and specialized monitoring aimed at quality internationalization are essential for this process, and an international consultancy can guarantee a safer international insertion with better results.
By Letícia Alencar on 02/19/2021