Passion fruit is a fruit originally from Tropical America and has more than 150 species, most of them originating in Brazil, where it is very popular. In addition to the intense and acidic flavor, very characteristic of the fruit, it also stands out for its versatility. Various parts of passion fruit can be used, such as the pulp, which is widely known for its fresh or industrialized juices, and the seed, which has been used for oil extraction, which stands out for its potential for food and for the cosmetics industry. .
health benefits
Another important point of passion fruit is its health benefits. One of the best known properties is calming, it is present in almost all species and is widely used in herbal medicines, mainly for anxiety and stress. In addition, the fruit also stands out in helping to control glucose, as it is rich in fibers that delay the absorption of carbohydrates in the body, helps immunity as it is rich in vitamin C, and contributes to protecting the heart due to its power. anti-inflammatory.
Technological advances in cultivation
In view of this, one can see the large commercialization of the fruit on the domestic market, with Brazil being the largest producer and consumer of passion fruit in the world. Such production has been growing considerably in recent years, and has even doubled in the last four years, from 440 thousand to 920 thousand tons, as a result of constant studies and technological advances, which enhance and facilitate cultivation. Thus, this advance influenced the level of fruit export, which has also grown in recent years.
High potential for export
In 2019, Brazil exported more than 28 thousand kilos of passion fruit. Of this amount, 58.4% went to the European market, where interest in the fruit has been growing, especially in Portugal and Spain. Furthermore, another important country was Australia, which purchased around 20% of Brazilian production for export. Despite this, other markets have been showing great acceptance for the fruit, and a deeper analysis would be essential to maximize the results of an internationalization of passion fruit.
Importance of an international consultancy
Thus, the high potential of the fruit is noted, especially with recent technological advances and interest in the international market, in addition to the importance of Brazil in its production and, consequently, its great possibility to meet and grow with this demand.
By Natália Oliveira Inácio on 11/27/2020