The Brazilian market for bread, pasta, cakes and cookies: growth in a context of crisis
During the first four months of 2019, the biscuits, industrialized breads, pastas and ready-to-eat cakes sector exported US$46.2 million, representing a growth of 3%, compared to the same period in 2018. Last year, total sales were 26.6 billion reais, approximately 6.65 billion dollars.
Considering the products in this segment, the most valued on the domestic market are cookies, pasta and bread. In the first case, the biscuits most consumed by Brazilians in 2017 and 2018 were: Água e Sal/ Cream Cracker, Champagne and Coberto/Palito. According to data made available by the Brazilian Association of Breads, Pastas, Cakes and Industrialized Biscuits (ABIMAPI), in the national market, this sector had a turnover of 2.275 billion reais.
With regard to Brazilian exports and imports, it is known that the most traded classifications were Biscuits and Biscuits (with sweeteners), Waffles and Wafers and Other Biscuits. While imports promoted an expenditure of 36.468 million dollars in 2018, which would go to Italy, Germany and Poland, the main export destinations were the United States, Paraguay and Uruguay, representing an amount of 100.625 million dollars.
In turn, the pasta sector in the national market is represented, respectively, by a greater consumption of dry pasta, followed by instant and refrigerated pasta + pizzas. The destination of exports is made up of Venezuela, Chile and Paraguay, while the origin of imports is from Italy, the United States and China.
The imported and exported varieties are Pasta with eggs (neither cooked nor stuffed), Pasta without eggs (neither cooked nor stuffed), Pasta Cooked, Stuffed and Otherwise Prepared and Other Pasta. The total value of imports in 2018 was US$36.753 million, while exports corresponded to US$10,258 million.
The bread and cake sector is the least significant when compared to the others. The most frequently exported and imported varieties were Knackebrot Bread (Swedish), Panettone and Other Spice Bread, with a turnover of around twenty-five million dollars, with main destination to the United States, Paraguay and Uruguay. In the case of imports, around forty million dollars were spent, originating in Belgium, Malaysia and Italy. Much of the sector's growth is linked to the lifetime of the products, which is considered higher. Even so, the impact of the crisis is felt in relation to the population's loss of purchasing power.
Contrary to the rest of the country, São Paulo has a growth of 33% in the sector, with São Paulo companies being responsible for the export of more than 45 thousand tons, with revenues of US$ 94.97 million, according to data from Agência Paulista de Promotion of Investments and Competitiveness, Investe São Paulo.
By Raphaela Carramillo 11/14/2019