The market and cultivation of watermelons: a good deal for Brazil
The origins of watermelon are uncertain, but, according to studies by researchers, they are native to Africa and started to be consumed as food in Ancient Egypt. Watermelon is one of the Brazilian's favorite fruit options, mainly due to its sweet taste, and for being a great hydration option on hot days, typical of the tropical climate.
Rich in vitamins A and C and with great hydration power
Watermelon was not always the way it is known today: red and with a sweet taste. It was through the process of artificial selection that mutations occurred for the fruit to obtain the shape and taste it has today. In addition, it is beneficial for health, rich in vitamins A and C, ensuring healthy bones, skin and eyes. Helps prevent heart disease due to the presence of magnesium and potassium, which lower blood pressure. Finally, the food aids digestion through the fibers present in the pulp.
Brazilian export growth
In Brazil, watermelon was introduced during the growing period of watermelon. sugarcane, with prominence in the North and South regions. Later, it spread throughout the country. However, the fruit only gained prominence from the 90's, when Brazilians wanted to have a healthier way of life, opting for high-protein and low-calorie foods. Since then, there has been the consolidation of watermelon markets, boosting Brazilian production, which has become one of the largest in the world.
The climate allows the production of fruit throughout the country, but there is states that stand out in production: São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio Grande do Norte. The cultivation of watermelon can be carried out on small farms as well as by large agricultural companies. As it is a very adaptable fruit, it spread around the world through its seeds, and planting can be done throughout the year. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) is facilitating the export of watermelon, authorizing several municipalities to carry out this trade.
Export growth to MERCOSUR countries and Europe
According to IBGE data, more than 2.2 million tonnes of the fruit are produced nationwide. In 2019, exports grew by about 52% (more than 100 thousand tons) were sent mainly to South American countries. According to the Brazilian Association of Fruit and Derivative Exporters (Abrafrutas), even with the pandemic, Brazilian fruit exports rose by 6% compared to the previous year, with the watermelon as one of the protagonists in this expansion. In addition, the sale of watermelon abroad is being more positive than for the domestic market, as happened in Goiás, which exported to Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, according to news published on Globo Rural.
According to the National Supply Company (Conab), in the first 4 months of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, the volume of fruit exported to other countries increased by 21.39%. There was an increase in the sale of watermelons, with 28,35 thousand tons in the four-month period, representing an increase of 24.61% compared to 2020. Most of the food produced goes to Europe, and the three biggest consumers are the United Kingdom, Spain and the Netherlands.
The importance of the performance of an international consultancy
Brazil is a great producer of watermelon, and is one of the strongest competitors in this market, making it very worthwhile to invest due to the climate and the size of the country. As in recent years the export of watermelon has grown robustly and domestic production has increased positively, the essential contribution would be the contribution of a consultancy. That is, as Prisma, which would strategically know where to export its product, analyze the most effective way of this sale to another country, it will facilitate the customer's entry into the market, already presenting potential buyers and suppliers and keeping the customer updated with market trends.
By Paula Rinkieviej on 08/26/2021