National banana: a versatile and little explored product
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in the fruit growing sector, bananas are the main commercial product in the world, with a planted area of approximately 5.4 million hectares. Banana presents itself as a versatile product used in several recipes. With the global rise of the search for the famous snacks and fitness products, the increase in their demand will be increasingly common, as it is seen as a symbol of health and well-being.
Brazilian banana growing on the foreign market.
Although banana production is concentrated in only three Brazilian states (São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Bahia), the country plays a prominent role in its production, being the fourth largest producer of the fruit, responsible for 6% of the world supply. The main destinations for Brazilian bananas are Argentina, Uruguay, the United States and the United Kingdom. In 2019, a potential export window for Bolivia was also opened.
The MERCOSUR absorption potential of Brazilian banana.
It is noteworthy that this is a little explored market and in constant growth, according to the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), the volume of fruit sent to MERCOSUR has already exceeded 56 thousand tons. Thus, with the expectations for the evolution of this segment, more important than understanding the banana market is to understand the potential customers it offers, with a Market Survey and Buyers List, both services offered by Prisma, success is guaranteed, mainly in the South American and European Union markets.
By: Debora Parolin on 10/15/2020