Apple is a fruit known worldwide for its practicality and its many health benefits, such as improving brain function, reducing the risk of diabetes, fighting stomach problems and even preventing some types of cancer. In Brazil, according to researcher Cristiano João Arioli, from the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri) during an interview with G1, the apple market moves BRL 7 billion in the national economy and, throughout 2021 , the trend is for this number to grow even more.
Climate and relief in southern Brazil favor production
Since 1994, Brazil has been an apple exporter, and from 2000 onwards, exports surpassed imports. The production of this fruit is located in the south of the country, more precisely in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, where the vast majority of national production is concentrated, due to the climate and relief suitable for planting.
Generates thousands of jobs by manual harvesting
Harvesting takes place from January to May, but apples are available year-round thanks to a system of cold rooms. There are several types of fruit, but the Gala and Fuji apple represent the mass production, with the Gala corresponding to 60% of the production and the Fuji to 40%, according to the Brazilian Association of Apple Producers (ABPM). In addition, apple harvesting is done completely manually, as there are no machines that do this work, so many jobs are generated by this market.
Increased exports throughout the year
The year 2021 is very promising in relation to the international market for this product, as Brazilian apple exports, which are around US$ 40 million per year, may grow by around 60% this year, in volume and value. , estimates the president of the Brazilian Association of Apple Producers (ABPM), Pierre Nicolas Pérès. This should be due to the appreciation of the dollar against the real and the better quality of fruit this season. Our main buyers are Russia, Bangladesh and India, according to G1.
The importance of an international consultancy
In view of this scenario and the possibility of an extravagant growth in this market, in-depth research is necessary to take advantage of all the advantages arising from the sale of this product. For that, Prisma offers its services, among them the analysis and identification of the market, list of buyers, in addition to a complete consultancy. These will help identify the best destination country for apples, as well as the requirements to enter that country. These services will allow apple growers to take advantage of growth expectations and expand into this prominent trade.
By Filipe Bernucci on 06/04/2021